iOS Relics
Last night I came across two of my old iOS projects in my app history.

Random Arrow was my first attempt at a game in 2016. I used it to learn Swift and a bit about games. It wasn’t a good game. I think I had more fun making it than anyone had while playing it.

Retrospect Timelines was a personal milestone tracker that I made in 2019. It was made with v1 of SwiftUI and used Core Data and CloudKit.
I still use a private version of this to keep track of important dates in my life. Sobriety, career changes, relationships etc.

I unpublished both apps in 2020 when I returned my focus to consulting work.
I’m a bit tempted to try to bring Retrospective Timelines back. There are some interesting opportunities to visualize this sort of data in visionOS.
Interestingly, even after 3+ years all my data is still there in CloudKit and the app still works the way it did at launch.