An experimental design lab for spatial computing
Canvatorium Series Zero
• Labs made with Babylon JS and WebXR •
Learn more about the Canvatorium Project
Presented in WebXR in the Quest Browser unless otherwise noted.
Canvatorium Lab 045
In this lab I created a reusable 2D UI card that I can use throughout Canvatorium.
Canvatorium Lab 044
Independent Reactive Texture Cards
Canvatorium Lab 043
How many Advanced Dynamic Textures can I load in a WebXR scene on a Meta Quest 2?
Canvatorium Lab 041
Taking screenshots with Babylon JS.
Canvatorium Lab 040
I started working on an overlay GUI for the scene data. Title, description, and maybe lab notes.
Canvatorium Lab 032
VR Lathe Modeling Demo in Babylon JS.
Canvatorium Lab 017
Playing with the Surface Magnetism Behavior from Babylon JS, combined with the Six Dof Drag Behavior.
Canvatorium Lab 008
Revamped version of Lab 008, using the new NearMenu 3D control from Babylon JS.
Canvatorium Lab 007
Recreate the console log in VR using Babylon JS and Vue.
Canvatorium Lab 006
Navigation between immersive WebXR scenes. (Nav Text B)
Canvatorium Lab 005
Navigation between immersive WebXR scenes. (Nav Text A)
Canvatorium Lab 004
In the revamped version of Lab 004 I worked on a way to pass the xr object from the useCanvatoriumLab composable to the createLabContent function.