Canvatorium Lab 056
Sphere Panel + Surface Magnetism Behavior (failure)
The idea was to use the 3D GUI sphere panel as a hack to lay out some snap zones in a sphere, then use the Surface Magnetism Behavior to attach a subject mesh to them. It worked part of the time, but often failed. Perhaps the snap target is too small, but I could not get Surface Magnetism Behavior to reliably snap to the targets. I tried using boxes first, then switching to planes.
If you see a way to fix this lab, please let me know.
const createLabContent = async (scene: Scene) => {
const cam = scene.getCameraByName("camera");
if (cam) {
cam.position = new Vector3(0, 1, -2);
// Create the cards that we will snap the subject to
const cardMat = new StandardMaterial("card-mat", scene);
cardMat.diffuseColor = Color3.FromHexString(labColors.slate4);
cardMat.specularColor = new Color3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
cardMat.alpha = 0.2;
const cardWidth = 0.1;
const cardHeight = 0.1;
const card = MeshBuilder.CreatePlane("card", { width: cardWidth, height: cardHeight }, scene);
card.isPickable = false;
card.material = cardMat;
card.position = new Vector3(0, 1.5, 0);
// Create the 3D UI manager
var manager = new GUI3DManager(scene);
var anchor = new TransformNode("");
anchor.position = new Vector3(0, 1.5, 1);
var panel = new SpherePanel();
panel.margin = 0.15;
panel.radius = 1.5;
panel.columns = 6;
panel.position.z = -1.5;
let cards = [];
panel.blockLayout = true;
for (var index = 0; index < 18; index++) {
const newCard = card.clone("card" + index);
const meshButton3D = new MeshButton3D(newCard, "button" + index);
panel.blockLayout = false;
// Create the subject of the lab - the object that will be dragged around
const subjectMat = new StandardMaterial("grab-mat4", scene);
subjectMat.diffuseColor = Color3.FromHexString(labColors.purple);
subjectMat.specularColor = new Color3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
const subject = MeshBuilder.CreateBox("subject", {
height: 0.6,
width: 0.6,
depth: 0.05
subject.material = subjectMat;
subject.position = new Vector3(0, 1.15, 0);
subject.scaling = new Vector3(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
const surfaceMagnetismBehavior = new SurfaceMagnetismBehavior();
surfaceMagnetismBehavior.meshes = cards;
surfaceMagnetismBehavior.hitNormalOffset = 0;
surfaceMagnetismBehavior.keepOrientationVertical = false;
surfaceMagnetismBehavior.maxStickingDistance = 1;
const sixDofDragBehavior = new SixDofDragBehavior();
sixDofDragBehavior.allowMultiPointer = true;
// When this is enabled, the subject will update based on pointer events
surfaceMagnetismBehavior.enabled = false;
// We can use the drag start and end observables enable and disable the surface magnetism behavior
// It will stop respnding to the pointer events and only snap to the surface during the drag
sixDofDragBehavior.onDragStartObservable.add(() => {
surfaceMagnetismBehavior.enabled = true;
cardMat.alpha = 0.8;
sixDofDragBehavior.onDragEndObservable.add(() => {
surfaceMagnetismBehavior.enabled = false;
cardMat.alpha = 0.2;
This lab is part of a project called Canvatorium, an experimental design lab for spatial computing. Learn more.