
microblogging by @vrhermit


Canvatorium Lab 032 – Proof of Concept for a VR Lathe Interface

One of my favorite mesh tools in Babylon JS is the Lathe. I’ve used it to create a lot of meshes over the last year.

This Lab contains an early Proof of Concept for building a VR interface around the Lathe.


My phone is more likely to auto complete “WASM” than “wasn’t”


Why would I build something with that tool I just learned all about when I could LEARN ALL ABOUT ANOTHER TOOL INSTEAD!


“Well,” he muttered, “I didn’t get much work done today, but I decided to get some cool stuff done tomorrow”.


Another demo using the giant computer. This time I mocked up a simple interactive HTML page using the ideas described in the WebXRPress project.


Another scene for my playcanvas playground: Watcher. A scene camera renders a view to a screen in the world. I animated the camera position a bit just to highlight the perspective.

Rendering based on this tutorial


I’m not short tempered.
I’m short and tempered.
Tempered in the fires of Mount Grumpy.


A few revisions to the CRT Video Texture demo. Fixed some video scaling issues and made some material changes.


A quick demo based on the Video Texture tutorial, using the CRT from the Base Mesh collection.


My unfortunate hairline:
Vegeta in front, Gul Dukat in the back


The International Congress of Coordinate System Consensus has once again been postponed.

After a tense day of deliberations, the delegates were unable to agree on a location.