
A long-term side project called “Canvatorium”, an experimental design lab for spatial computing built in Vue JS and Babylon JS.

Canvatorium (revamped)

Canvatorium (revamped)

I’m excited to (re)introduce my long-term project “Canvatorium”, an experimental design lab for spatial computing. Why? It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to work on Canvatorium. Other projects have taken up my time, but I’m excited to return to this type of work. There are a few reasons motivating me to pick…

Canvatorium Lab 027

Canvatorium Lab 027

Poking around with Clones, Instances, and Thin Instances while testing out an idea. I never got around to working on the idea that caused me to investigate these features, I went to work on the Stoa labs instead. At some point I’ll come back to that… Still, rendering 5,200 box meshes using thin instances is…