Canvatorium Lab 056
Sphere Panel + Surface Magnetism Behavior (failure)
Sphere Panel + Surface Magnetism Behavior (failure)
Exploring Universal Input with Babylon.js
Just checking out a new 3D presentation app for the web. It’s called Immersa and is currently in beta.
VR Lathe Modeling Demo in Babylon JS.
Combine plane detection and surface magnetism to snap an object to the walls in a room.
Learning a bit about WebXR plane detection in Babylon JS.
I just need some epic kazoo music to go with this. This was a small sidequest project in Canvatorium. I wanted to play with 3D text and decided play with an old meme.
Playing with the Surface Magnetism Behavior from Babylon JS, combined with the Six Dof Drag Behavior.
Mixed Reality Passthrough with 3D GUI.
Working with custom fonts in Babylon JS GUI.
Adding a simple tooltip for the image on the main window.
An example of a collection view layout as an alternative to a list views.