Canvatorium Lab 057
Exploring Universal Input with Babylon.js
This lab contains a 3D cube and a 2D GUI. Users can interact with these objects in a number of ways depending on how the scene is presented.
- Mouse / Trackpad on a personal computer
- Tap on touch screen devices
- VR Controllers
- Laser Pointer
- Near Interaction
- VR Hand Tracking
- Laser Pointer
- Near Interaction for direct touch
- Natural Input (gaze+pinch) on Apple Vision Pro
const createLabContent = async (scene: Scene) => {
const scaler = ref(5);
const color = ref(labColors.purple);
// Create a cube for the user to interact with
const material = new StandardMaterial("cube-material", scene);
material.diffuseColor = Color3.FromHexString(color.value);
const cube = MeshBuilder.CreateBox("cube-mesh", { size: 1 }, scene);
cube.position = new Vector3(1, 1.3, 0);
cube.scaling = new Vector3(scaler.value / 10, scaler.value / 10, scaler.value / 10);
cube.isNearPickable = true; // This will enable direct touch interactions in WebXR
cube.material = material;
cube.actionManager = new ActionManager(scene);
new ExecuteCodeAction(ActionManager.OnPickTrigger, (evt) => {
if (color.value === labColors.purple) {
color.value =;
} else if (color.value === {
color.value =;
} else {
color.value = labColors.purple;
// Create a 2D GUI
const { plane, advancedTexture } = canLabCardSimple(8, 4.4, scene);
plane.position = new Vector3(-1, 1.3, 0);
plane.scaling = new Vector3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
plane.isNearPickable = true; // This will enable direct touch interactions in WebXR
const stack = new StackPanel();
stack.fontSize = "14px";
stack.verticalAlignment = 2;
stack.spacing = 20;
const titleText = new TextBlock("title-text");
titleText.text = "Universal Input with Babylon.js";
titleText.color = "black";
titleText.fontSize = 36;
titleText.height = "60px";
const lineOne = new TextBlock("title-text");
lineOne.text = "Tab or click on the cube to change the color.";
lineOne.color = "black";
lineOne.fontSize = 24;
lineOne.height = "40px";
const lineTwo = new TextBlock("title-text");
lineTwo.text = "Use the buttons to scale the cube.";
lineTwo.color = "black";
lineTwo.fontSize = 24;
lineTwo.height = "40px";
const row = new StackPanel();
row.isVertical = false;
row.height = "100px";
const buttonDecrement = canLabButtonSimple("button-decrement", "-");
buttonDecrement.fontSize = 48;
buttonDecrement.width = "200px";
buttonDecrement.onPointerUpObservable.add(() => {
const counterText = new TextBlock("couter-text");
counterText.text = (scaler.value / 10).toString();
counterText.color = "black";
counterText.fontSize = 36;
counterText.width = "120px";
const buttonIncrement = canLabButtonSimple("button-Increment", "+");
buttonIncrement.fontSize = 48;
buttonIncrement.width = "200px";
buttonIncrement.onPointerUpObservable.add(() => {
// Group the cube and plane so they can be transformed together
const group = new Mesh("group", scene);
// WebXR
const vrSupported = await WebXRSessionManager.IsSessionSupportedAsync("immersive-vr");
if (vrSupported) {
const xr = await scene.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync({
floorMeshes: [] // pass an empty array to disable teleportation for this demo
// enable hand tracking
const featureManager = xr.baseExperience.featuresManager;
featureManager.enableFeature(WebXRFeatureName.HAND_TRACKING, "latest", {
xrInput: xr.input
xr.baseExperience.onInitialXRPoseSetObservable.add((xrCamera) => {
group.scaling = new Vector3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
group.position = new Vector3(0, 0.8, 0);
xrCamera.position = new Vector3(0, 0, -0.4);
// Watchers for reactive updates
watch(scaler, (newValue) => {
newValue = Math.min(10, Math.max(1, newValue));
cube.scaling = new Vector3(newValue / 10, newValue / 10, newValue / 10);
counterText.text = (newValue / 10).toString();
watch(color, (newValue) => {
material.diffuseColor = Color3.FromHexString(newValue);
This lab is part of a project called Canvatorium, an experimental design lab for spatial computing. Learn more.