Questions for myself about SwiftUI
This weekend I’m going to spend some time with SwiftUI. I tried to think of the most important questions that I want to answer. I have no idea how much progress I will make but if I come up with answers to these I’ll write about them.
- Can I connect a SwiftUI List to a Core Data FetchedResultsController?
- How do I set this up?
- Load data
- Edit data
- Delete data
- Does SwiftUI support advanced table features?
- Readable Size for cells
- Reorder controls
- Context actions
- How can I pass an object from a list view to a form view?
- Dependency injection?
- Can I make form views that do not save data until the done button is tapped? Pass back to the List view to save the changes.
- Can I easily segue to UIKIT View Controllers? I need access to CollectionViews and Large TextViews, neither of which exist in SwiftUI.