Introducing a new long-term project “Canvatorium”, an experimental design lab for spatial computing.

This loosely structured project is a place where I can prototype and experiment with UI/UX for spatial interfaces. Some of my ideas include:
- Using Babylon JS with the Vue 3 Composition API and script setup
- Reactive data on Babylon JS GUI
- Reactive/interactive controls with Babylon JS GUI
- Laying out data in 3D
- Building controls for common data editing tasks
- Navigating data as if each record were an object in 3D
- Exploring productive workflows
- Replacing some of the flat-screen work that I do in various apps and sites
- Working with various APIs and databases
- Detailing and documenting common Babylon GUI workflows
The unit of account for this project is the lab. Each lab is a place where I can explore a concept or idea. In Vue terms, each lab will be a page or component that we can navigate to. I won’t write a post for every lab. For example, Labs 000 and 001 were just places where I built the reusable lab scene and picked out some colors to use throughout the project. If you want to keep up with the project, check out the repo on GitHub. I’ll post updates here and on Twitter.

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